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Cleaning on doubts

I clean on every of the doubts in my life as they are all just data, I don’t need to know anything, I just need to keep on cleaning and get back to zero, then Divine will deal with everything.

I also clean on any doubts about the effectiveness of the cleaning process, because it is Divine who is cleaning, and Divine is always perfect, doubts are from the ego part of me, and they are just data.

I clean any of the doubts so that I can keep on choosing Divine and trusting Divine in the process of cleaning, it is fine that data of doubts comes up, I just need to clean and release them.

I take this responsibility to clean all the doubts, and I forgive myself for having any doubts, as they are just data, it is not my fault, it is just replayed memories, I clean then they can be released and the truth from Divine can reveal.

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