Walk with Emotion Training - Introduction
We are easily control by emotions
Every day we do have different kinds of emotions arise that is affecting our daily life. Some of us are good at controlling those emotions, while the majority of us are almost totally control by all these emotions.
Some of us realize this issue, but they cannot change their situation, while some others didn’t even realize they are being control by all those emotions, because they thought emotions are them while this is not true.
The way out with our emotion struggle
We then will have a question in our mind, is there another way that we can change this situation of being control by emotions? There are of course many ways, while some are effective, some on the other hand might cause us even more trouble in the long run.
That way is when we try to suppress our emotions, in the short run, it seems that we don’t need to experience certain emotion, and then we are not control by it, but suppressed emotions isn’t mean solving problems, rather, in this way we are accumulating problems, when we are triggered in the future, these suppressed emotions might explode one day, which can be hurtful for us.
We don’t need to fight with emotions
While we don’t want to be control by emotions, we don’t need to control emotion either, it is really energy consuming to control emotions, and that is not necessary as well, there are actually another way, rather than fight with emotions, we can walk with it.
We can’t control emotion arise as a whole, but we do can choose how we react towards these emotions, while this is also the core essence of this whole training, we learn to walk with emotions, so we won’t be control by it, as we can choose not be control by it as well, we just let ourselves not influenced by it.
Five steps to walk with emotions
This training contains five steps, they are identify, accept, detach, choose and finally attach. Through these five steps, we can get rid of the emotion’s control, and will be able to walk with emotions.
The content of the training might not be anything new to us, but even we knew every of the content, it is still important how we can make these theories into action, and this is exactly the theme for this training, to help us to breakthrough from emotion’s control, and to make our choice on how we would like to deal with emotions.
Get the whole set of training for free
To get all the contents of this training, simply click to the link here to enroll, it requires you to join our website as members first, while the whole process only requires your email and name, no payment at all as that is all free (while it is still free) then you can get all these contents through this link here or you can also get it in the section “Walk with Emotion Training Videos”