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Cleaning on financial issues

I clean every of the data that is leading me to believe that I have financial issues, any of the financial issues are only just data, they are all not real, I clean them and they can be released.

I always choose to hold the vision that my financial status is fine and I am wealthy, even the data is now reflecting exactly the opposite thing, but I now realize those are only data, I choose Divine to reveal this truth, instead of choosing data.

I keep on cleaning so that I will no longer holding the data that is showing me I have any lack in my financial status, I always remind myself to choose Divine over data in financial situation, so my financial abundance can be revealed.

I forgive myself for any moment I still choose to believe I am lack of money, where that is data, and when I realize that, I will pick another choice right at that moment which is to choose Divine and to choose I have more than enough money now.

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