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Cleaning on regret

Any regret are putting our focus to the past which is we are choosing data instead of Divine, so when we encounter regret, what we need to do is to clean it and put our focus back to the present.

Clean also on any possible emotions arise along with regret, these emotions together with regret itself are all just data awaiting us to clean, we all have the ability to clean when we choose to do so.

When we are able to keep on cleaning and stay in the present, we forget about the past, so no matter what happened in the past, we don’t need to regret anymore, so when regret arise, it is showing us that we are focusing on the past, so it is time to get back to the present.

We don’t need to fight with regret, we just need to ignore it while cleaning it, then it will dissolve and released, in the process trust Divine will deal with it perfectly, all we need to do is willing to let go of them.

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