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Cleaning on rush

At many times we are rushing to complete our task, it is our perception that makes us feel we are in a hurry, when we feel we are rushing for something, we can stop for a while to clean to release that data first.

The more we rush to finish anything, the more we will forget that they are data, and in this way we are choosing data over Divine, so when we aware of this issue, we shall clean the data of rush first, so to choose Divine over data again.

Not rushing to work out anything doesn’t mean it is not efficient, when we let go of data and let Divine operates that is most efficient, so the best way to work out anything is to choose to let Divine operate it, instead of let things works based on data.

When we keep on cleaning we will then realize nothing is in a hurry, we always have enough time for everything, and when we let go and let Divine operate, everything will just be perfect always.


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