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Cleaning on tension

In the process of cleaning, when I feel the tense during cleaning, I will clean the tension first, so that I can notice that this tension is just another data, when I clean it, it can be released.

Sometimes I will feel the urge to clean in the process of cleaning, these kind of tension is just another data, I don’t need to rush on cleaning, nor if I don’t clean, bad things will happen, I just relax and clean.

If I am really tense in the process of cleaning, I will stop for a while first, give myself room to take some rest, when I clean the data of tension, I will notice there is nothing in a hurry, everything is fine even at this very moment.

I am the one who is cleaning, I am not data itself, my job is to keep on cleaning so that Divine can reveal the truth to me, and when I know who I really am, I don’t need to feel tense in the cleaning process, as data are just all not real.

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