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Common 'mistakes' on cleaning

First, when ‘mistakes’ in this topic is with quotation, it is because even they are mistakes, but they are also just data we need to clean, so along this topic we need to make sure we are to remind ourselves not to continue with it, while not blaming ourselves for doing that before.

This brings to the first ‘mistake’, we tends to blame ourselves when we do not see result, and we might think we have done something wrong, by blaming ourselves, we are just creating more data only, and we have not done anything wrong, even we choose data, it is a choice, it is not a fault.

So people will then come with the question, what’s wrong, if that is not me who is getting wrong, this comes to the second ‘mistake’, we are expecting results, but this expectation is just data, we (ego part of us) could never know what is best, so what we think of as a result, might be something the leads to worse future.

We are so easily put a specific intention along cleaning, but then it is like when we clean a room we expect flower to grow there after we done the cleaning, our intention on cleaning is always to keep it clean, anything other than that are just data, we hand the situation to Divine and things will be fine, even sometimes is out of our imagination.

Then when we notice expectation is another data, people will then comes up with another question, how can we know we are on the right track? This comes to the third ‘mistake’, doubt on cleaning, this could be obvious for beginners, and no one should blame their own doubts, as that is just another data, we clean them, but not believe them.

It is not a bad thing to have doubts, just these doubts are data only waiting us to clean, we don’t need to suppress our doubts, or pretend we believe while we are actually not, but cleaning still works even we do with doubts, of course as doubt are some new data, if we clean with doubts, the effect could be slower.

We can just imagine cleaning like we clean the dust in the room, we just won’t expect the room to be clean forever after we clean for one time, and that also apply to cleaning data, if we can view it in this way, it can help us to reduce our anxiety when we see data even we clean for a long time.

Even we could clean all these emotions arise during cleaning, sometimes we might find the cleaning is still not effective in our point of view, then here comes to the fourth ‘mistake’, that is we put too much focus on the data itself along cleaning.

When we start to clean, many of us might be really want to get rid of some negative situation, many of us might not even aware of zero in the beginning, but when we try to clean on data, one major point is that we see data as data, and that is not real.

But we forget this fact when we still put focus on the data (mainly meaning the problems we encounter), we are choosing data instead of Divine, and we are not letting go and let Divine to operate, and that we are always staying in this illusory world instead of get back to zero, so we would not be able to allow Divine to reveal it’s perfection to us.

When we focus on cleaning itself, this comes to the fifth ‘mistake’, sometimes people will still rely too much on others for cleaning, it is fine to seek help as we can clean on that shared memories, but we should never forget, we alone can clean and everyone’s cleaning is as effective as others, be confidence enough to clean alone.

Cleaning can never be wrong, even what tools we us, even how often we clean, and it is always efficient, just we cannot realize it for most of the time, as we(ego part of us) cannot know how things would be like until it is revealed, trusting Divine is always the key, as we just couldn’t imagine Divine would be wrong.

Keep cleaning as simple as it can be, that is the most efficient way of cleaning, and always connect with inner child to seek it’s opinion, enjoy cleaning process and forget about the result, then everything will be just perfect.

This is not official SITH Training, the whole video is only sharing the experience on Hooponopono, if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave us comments or visit our website for more related videos.


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