We sometimes might mixed up suppressing to we are doing cleaning, and this will bring out totally different result, so I would like to express my point of view on how suppressing would affect cleaning here.
While we are cleaning we are deleting data, while we are suppressing we are hiding those data, in short suppressing could be even efficient in get rid of the data, but when it is not deleted, it can easily arise again when it is being triggered.
When we keep on suppressing data, what we are actually doing is we are accumulating data, so the power of the data will be much stronger when it is being triggered and arise again in the future, and this is how we are making situation being really worse.
Past accumulating data could be possible reason why we cannot see effect even we clean for a period of time, the more we suppressed before, the more time we need to release them all, so the longer the time before it is cleaned.
We cannot avoid these past suppression, but when we now know suppressing will accumulate data, we need to be alert enough to avoid suppressing while cleaning, and this brings to my initial point that how we would mixed up suppressing with cleaning.
If we use the example of computer we might be easier to understand their relationship, while cleaning is pressing delete button, suppressing is like pressing hide button, it is still there, just not visible anymore, the major difference is delete release space, hide won’t.
Getting back to cleaning and suppressing, why we sometimes wants to clean but turns out we are suppressing, there are two main factors affecting this result, the first one is we deny the data, although data is not real, but to clean it, we need to accept the existence of this illusion.
When we view it as deleting file then it is easier to get the concept, if we deny there is a file, how can we ever press the delete button, or what instruction we are putting? so of course we will fail to delete the file, just like when we deny data, we fail to clean the data.
The second factor is similar with the first one, just slightly different, we know there is data, but that data is too nasty, we cannot accept the existence of it, so we hide it right the way, before we done the cleaning, and as it is hided, the cleaning order cannot fulfilled again.
So what can we do to avoid such kind of situations to happen? That is we need to face data, we need to allow it to express itself, but we don’t engaged in it, we have a choice not to believe data, and to choose Divine instead, and after choosing it, we keep our trust on Divine’s perfection, everything will be just fine.
Never try to suppress anything, but for what we had suppressed before, never blame ourselves on that, it takes time to let them release and clean, we just be patient enough to allow cleaning to process, and when we cannot see the ‘result’ we still choose to trust Divine, as Divine is always providing us the best, when we allow it to.
This is not official SITH Training, the whole video is only sharing the experience on Hooponopono, if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave us comments or visit our website for more related videos.