We are so easily anxious in this fast moving society, and with continuous anxiety, this can affect our daily life and even our health, yet it seems that it is hard to avoid anxiety, so how could we deal with anxiety?
First we shall never try to avoid any of our emotion, as it is difficult, and the result of avoiding our emotion is just suppressing them, which in turn will just cause us more trouble in the future.
It is never a good feeling to be anxious, but instead of avoid it or deny it, we can choose to embrace it, we might find it difficult to embrace anxiety, as anxiety itself is really sticky, what we want to do is only to get rid of it, embracing it seems making it even closer to us.
So how can we embrace anxiety? it is like how we embrace anything, we need to accept it as it is, we admit the existence of anxiety, this is the first step, but after that, we then need to realize, anxiety is just a kind of emotion, it is not us.
We really very easily mixed this up especially when we are so anxious at that very moment, we really ‘feel’ that anxious is us, but it is not, it is just another kind of emotion, like happiness, or sad, it exist, but it will never last forever.
When we get to a point to realize anxiety is not us, it is just another kind of emotion, we then can gain back the power to choose how we would like to deal with anxiety, and most of the time, we will find out our anxiety are not quite necessary.
Just by realizing this truth, many of the anxiety will dissolve itself, and even when we find out there is a point for that anxiety to exist, we just allow it to, we don’t need to eliminate them, it is fine to feel anxious sometimes.
We might not be able to love anxiety anyhow, but we don’t need to love it before we can embrace it, during anxiety, we ourselves need our love most, even more than the emotion itself, it is not a fault to have anxiety, but under anxiety, we will need more love to comfort ourselves.
Some of us might try to look for comfort from outside, but we ourselves can do this already, just but accepting our own anxiety is a good comfort for ourselves, and we don’t need to judge on this anxiety, or even to find out why, but we can also don’t be trapped by it, and just let it passed.
Anxiety exist normally is due to worrying about unknown future, so in the long run we have to train ourselves to accept the fact that we don’t need to know everything before we can have peace, yet when anxiety arise we need to understand ourselves as well.
We sometimes manipulate anxiety by worrying about anxiety itself, which in turn creating more of it, while we allow ourselves to be anxious sometimes, we don’t need to let it grow, when we don’t listen to it, it can pass when it expressed itself.
If you are interested to know further details on how to master your emotion, then you can go to our website to get the whole set of “Be the master of emotion”, the whole set of exercise is free, you can go to watch the introduction part of it first.