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What kind of cleaning tools shall we use?

I hope this topic will not makes you feel it is a kind of teaching topic on in what kind of situation we shall use which tool, it is just a topic I would like to talk about on how shall we treat cleaning tools as a whole.

There are always some new cleaning tool invented by people, and some start using them and this makes others anxious about some sort of secret they have missed, what kind of cleaning tools we use, it really doesn’t matter.

The main theme of cleaning is to inform Divine that we would like to start cleaning, and let go and let Divine do the cleaning, so what kind of cleaning tools, they are still messengers to inform Divine about our choice.

Some might be fine to just use the simple four phrases, and even if we just use “I love you” all the way through it is also fine, many new cleaning tools are invented based on inspiration to help us to tackle many particular issues.

Which that might be useful and necessary for some of us in the cleaning process, while others can still use the ones they knew and can still clean as efficient as others, so just use what we have on hand is fine.

It is also a good thing to invent new cleaning tools as cleaning should be a process with fun and joy, and when others feels good about that cleaning tools, they can use them as well, yet if someone do not resonates with those tools, it is also fine to keep as simple as “I love you”.

We really should focus on cleaning itself instead of anxious or even ‘struggle’ in choosing what kind of cleaning tools, and it is also a good idea to consult our inner child about which tool shall we use, and sometimes we might receive unexpected answer.

We should always trust Divine to be smart enough to be able to get our cleaning intention, no matter what kinds of tools we are using, they are still just another link to let Divine to know our cleaning intention only, it is a way to show we know data is just data and now we are willing to start cleaning it.

Personalized cleaning tool can motivates us to clean in certain extend, but any of the cleaning tools are also good enough, enjoy and have fun in our cleaning process is always the key, use any tools that resonates with us at that very moment, should be good enough for cleaning already.

This is not official SITH Training, the whole video is only sharing the experience on Hooponopono, if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave us comments or visit our website for more related videos.

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